Question by Scorpgrl78: Trying to re-apply to nursing school after being expelled….?
In fall of 2003, I attended an Associate program nursing school locally, and two months into school, after being accepted and doing well in all my classes, I was called into the office. I was told that my record had been pulled up and a misdemeanor had shown for a bounced check for $ 6 I had written 4 years prior came up, and was on my record. I was unaware of it being on my record, and told them that I had been unaware when I had applied (they had called me in because I had checked “no” when asked the criminal question.) I was then told I was being dismissed from the school. I went and took care of the check payment, and came back and tried to appeal the decision, and was still denied entrance.
Now it is 5 years later and I am trying to re-apply to the school. I am very passionate about try to get back into nursing, and I know that I have the knowledge, good heart, and skills to do well in it. However, they have a policy against re-applying. What can I do? Talk to the Dean?
Best answer:
Answer by michelle_d_cna
I would talk to the dean and explain the situation. Maybe if he hears the story from you and how much you really want to be accpeted he will let you in.
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